Thursday, May 19, 2016

Summer Survival Plan

I always have to have a plan.  Its how I roll.  In the winter I plan activities to not go crazy while we are stuck inside and in the summer I plan activities so having all my children home doesn't kill me.

This is my summer plan:

First we have a jar.  For each homework activity my kids do they get either a popcorn kernel, a macaroni noodle, or a shell to put in the jar.  

 The jar has three lines.  When we get up to that line we get to choose a kind of celebration.  This could be going to the Science Center, having a movie party with friends, getting ice cream etc.

 I have books for each of my children.  When I first started doing summer school I searched the internet for days coming up with activities and making binders full of ideas.  Now I just buy these.  I buy the grade my kids will be going into in the fall because they are far ahead enough that 3/4 of the book is review and only a little bit is new.
I calculated about 74 days of summer break, not including Sundays.  Those days include vacations and my kids' birthdays so I know we won't do work then.  Each book has about 300 pages so I decided each kid has to do 6 pages a day.  One of each section without skipping ahead!

Last year I only made them do 2 a day and then we didn't finish the books before school started!

For each page of these books they get a popcorn kernel, but those will add up fast.  They also get a popcorn kernel for doing 10 minutes of math fact games.  We love SumDog and ABCYA for math games.  They also get a kernel for 10 minutes of sightreading games for the piano.

I also want them writing so they get a macaroni noodle for a one page book report and one for 20 minutes of piano or cello practicing.

The get a shell noodle if they write a short story.

Here is our summer schedule with topics we will focus on:

Summer Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursdsay Friday Saturday

8:00 Walking Walking Walking
10:00 Science Playgroup Piano Lessons   Writing Story Time
1:00 Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time
2:00 Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time
3:00 Art Club

We also have a topic of the week and we take turns picking it.  I get to go first.  Last year did things like: proper hydration, cowboys, volcanoes, insects, etc.

We pick out books at the library and read them throughout the week and then on Thursday  I am going to make my kids write a page summary of what they learned.  My five-year-old will probably write two sentences and draw a picture, but I'll make the other older kids write longer.  

Good luck with your summers!