I know I'm crazy, but I finished my kids' Christmas presents.... or at least one of them. When I get an idea I have to act on it and it drives me crazy until its done. There needs to be a word for the opposite of a procrastinator. I'm that... obsessive compulsive maybe?
My kids needed travel bags. We watched some friends' kids over-night and they had their own duffel bags. I thought, "my kids need this!" So I found a pattern I like online here.I just changed the fabric to canvas. I didn't like the laminated fabric idea. They were super easy to make. It was just a little tricky to find all the different notions and things like webbing. That was SO hard to find!
I used just normal cotton fabric on the lining inside and sewed on the zipper a different way than they show in the instructions because I thought my way was better and easier. Just sew the zippers on to the fabric right sides together. That tape stuff looked annoying.
Then I sewed the kids toiletry bags and put a toothbrush holder inside. WALA! They are ready to travelling except they have to wait until Christmas.